School Cash Online
Pay School Fees Online
Pay for field trips, athletic fees, canteen cards, and yearbooks, etc. with School Cash Online.
- Secure
- Convenient
- Simple
For safety and efficiency reasons, Abbotsford School District would like to reduce the amount of cash & cheques coming into our school. Please join the thousands of parents who have already registered and are enjoying the convenience of paying ONLINE! It takes less than 5 minutes to register.
To access online payments, please register as a user - it takes less than five minutes! Registered parents/guardians can see their payment history, print receipts, and receive email notifications whenever new student fees are posted for their child. If you run into a "page not found/unable to connect" message, you may need to make a quick change in your computer settings.
Step-by-step instructions are available at the bottom of this page.
Register at: https://abbotsford.schoolcashonline.com/
Having trouble registering? Please see the office and ensure that your web browser is updated.